The Lancaster County Republican Party believes in the principles of freedom and democracy that have made the United States of America a light for goodness in the world. Gifted to us in documents such as the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, we will uphold original source documents as the TRUTHS to guide our Party and the elected officials who have chosen to represent the LCRP.
We Believe…
We believe in limited government, individual freedom, personal responsibility and accountability.
We believe elected and appointed government officials should be expected to conduct the people’s business with honesty, integrity, and transparency.
We believe that our democratic republic will serve the people best when elected officials are beyond reproach in their actions and humble in their accomplishments.
We believe the best elected representatives should be connected to the community they represent. Having a strong, engaged connection to the community better prepares elected officials to serve their constituents. As a better prepared elected official, their community has a voice.
We believe in a duly-certified electorate that is well informed, actively engaged in the voting process, and most of all represent the Republican platform through respectful and measured discourse.